Congratulations! You made it to the ADFT!
These names completed the Qualifier event and are placed in the ADFT this coming Saturday May 20th at 10am. Location: Twisted Pines DGC at South Beach State Park. There is room for those who couldn't come but completed school practices. In the future you will need to play the Qualifier in order to qualify for the ADFT. Good luck! We will see you there. Bring food and snacks. Awards after.
There are a lot of really cool opportunities in the world of Disc Golf. We're stoked that you joined your team or club. We hope to see you & your family or friends at the up coming events. Get to know your season calendar & try and spend a little time watching the Instructional Videos. Practice basics when you can. Vis
Click here to learn from other who have mastered the basics and grow your future game